Coast to Coast walk for the homeless. Day 10

Richmond to Danby Wiske

Setting off from Richmond I headed down to and across the river before meeting up with Bart where he had manage to park the car. Again the sun shone but also a shower or two.

We wanted lunch and there was a shower. Very luckily the church provided us with shelter and a toilet!!! We sat in the porch and ate our packed lunches. We could have gone in and made ourselves a hot drink. It was good to see that tinned food was left in the church for anyone who needs it.

My route continued along farmland, whilst Bart returned to the car. By the time I met him at Danby Wiske I was covered in five kinds of shit!

Some of the paths were hard to find, others were slippery. Feet are a bit blistered, but I can still walk ok.

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